How to Write a Great Chat GPT Prompt

If you’re one of those people who enjoy letting AI do some of your copywriting work, don’t feel bad. When used the right way, our technological overlords can be helpful in copywriting.

Take Chat GPT for example. It can be a great sidekick to your writing, blending creativity, efficiency and inspiring outlines when the creative side of your brain is buffering. As long as you remember that it can never replace human skill when it comes to writing, (or when it comes to making you a brew) and this online tool can be pretty effective.

how to use Chat GPT

Use Chat GPT to add to your copy - don’t let it write for you.

So how do you write a Chat GPT prompt?

You could go the straightforward route and just ask it to whip up a basic outline. But remember, like any trusty sidekick, ChatGPT thrives on details – the more information you can give, the better the result. To get the best results, it's smart to pack your prompt with precise details and clear instructions about your topic. The more specific you are, the more likely you'll get exactly what you're looking for. Think of it as giving directions to your Sat Nav – the more accurate the directions, the less likely you'll end up at the wrong address!

Let’s have a look at some of the elements of a great prompt and how to get the best out of your AI best friend.

·      Know its capabilities

Understanding what ChatGPT can do is how you’ll get great results. It's excellent at generating information available up until its last update in September 2021, creating content, and engaging in theoretical discussions.

Remember though, it’s not capable of reading minds or predicting the future, so don’t bother asking it about the latest news updates or anything to do with your love life.

blogging with Chat GPT

Use as much detail as possible in your prompt to get a detailed response.

·      Be specific and clear

Get to the point with your prompts. If you’re too vague, you’ll end up trawling through a plethora of information that gives only a brief nod to what you actually asked it. Specific questions get specific answers.

 For example, instead of asking, "What are the benefits of exercise?,” be specific with something like, "What are the cardiovascular benefits of 30 minutes of daily running for someone in their 30s?" It doesn’t mean you’ll do it, but at least you’ll be better informed!

·      Include necessary context

ChatGPT can help you set the scene when you give it context. It needs a bit of back story to create an outline that works for your finished article. Adding background when writing your prompt will give you more relevant and useful information for your article, blog or social media post.

Don’t go into too much detail though. It’s a fine line between necessary context and unnecessary word rambling.

seo copywriting with chat gPT

Make sure you proofread afterwards - Chat GPT still has it’s little quirks where it sounds like a robot.

·      Set the tone

The tone of your prompt can set the mood. Looking for something formal? Keep your language polished and precise. Want something more relaxed? If you use casual wording, ChatGPT will do the same and you’ll both be on the same digital page.

This type of approach allows you to fine-tune the interaction with AI, making its responses more suited to your specific audience or purpose. If you experiment with different tones and styles, you’ll be able to discover the best way to communicate your message, whether formal or informal.

·      Give feedback

When interacting with ChatGPT, if you provide feedback on the responses you get, you’re likely to improve the results.

For example, if a response doesn’t sound quite right or meet your expectations, adjust and clarify your prompt. Giving feedback to ChatGPT like this will guide it more effectively towards the type of answer you need. Basically, you’re working with the AI to be more productive, much like if you were on a job share with Alexa.

·      Avoid unrealistic expectations

Remember, even the best actors have their limits. ChatGPT won’t always deliver Oscar-worthy material, especially if it’s out of its depth with current events.

Don’t expect the content to be full of literary magic either. Its aim is to provide you with basic information that helps you to draft your content. It’s not there to write it for you, however much you may want it to!   

chat gpt prompts

Make your content stand out by varying topics - Chat GPT only has so much information, so don’t write about the same thing twice.


·      Keep learning and updating

AI, like any technology, keeps evolving. If you stay on top of updates and new capabilities, you’ll be able to keep your prompts fresh and engaging. Continuous learning will not only improve the quality of your prompts but also prepare you for future advancements in AI.

So, why not consider elevating your copywriting skills and craft compelling prompts that engage ChatGPT effectively? The Comprehensive Copywriting Academy provides excellent guidance through the world of copywriting. Whether you're crafting blog posts, social media content, or marketing copy, the CCA will guide you through mastering the art of communication in the digital age.

Joy Mellows

Joy Mellows is a professional content writer who loves nothing better than researching random topics and letting the words flow. She loves to proofread and can often be found correcting text messages. She is married with a 4-year-old son, a labrador and 2 very spoilt kittens.


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