Thinking of becoming a freelance proofreader? Read on…

Ever dreamt of being a grammar guardian, a syntax sentinel, a punctuation patroller? Do you shudder at the sight of misplaced commas and feel a burning desire to correct them?

Or do you annoy your loved ones by correcting their text messages and sending them back to them? (No? Just me, then.) But if you said yes to the rest, then congratulations! You might just have what it takes to become a freelance proofreader.

So let’s have a look at how to turn your passion for perfection into a profession.

grammar editors

The first step is to take notice of grammar - look out for signs in the street or junk mail through your letterbox.

Step 1: Develop an obsessive love affair with grammar

First things first, you need to fall deeply, madly in love with grammar. This isn't a fling; it's the kind of love that songs and sonnets are written about.

Reacquaint yourself with the Oxford English Dictionary and cosy up with the Chicago Manual of Style, and any other style guide you fancy. The more knowledgeable you are about all elements of proofreading, the smoother it will be to become a freelancer in the industry.

Step 2: Sharpen your eagle eyes

As a proofreader, your eyes need to be so sharp that they could spot a misplaced apostrophe from a mile away. Consider investing in a pair of magnifying glasses or alternatively, develop a superpower (typo vision, perhaps?) so you will rarely miss those misspelled words and grammatical mistakes.

Why not train your eyes by reading the fine print on shampoo bottles, legal documents and those lengthy terms and conditions nobody else reads. Careful reading like this will make it second nature when it comes to checking a piece of content, article, blog or any other piece of writing, once you start your proofreading career.

UK grammar

Read the print on shampoo bottles and understand the audience on posters.

Step 3: Create an aura of patience

Proofreading is not for the faint-hearted or the impatient. Prepare yourself for long, solitary hours with just you, your red pen and mountains of text. Learn the art of Zen, yoga, or adopting a pet rock – whatever you can do to help cultivate the necessary calm.

Alternatively, if taking deep breaths and meditating isn’t for you, why not practice patience by simply ensuring you’re proofreading line by line. Consciously making yourself slow down the task you’re doing will force patience, and before you know it, you’ll be the literary equivalent of a Zen master.

Step 4: Build your proofreading lair

Every superhero needs a lair and freelance proofreaders are no exception. Create yourself an environment where you can engage in fierce battles against grammatical errors without disturbance. Stock your lair with essential supplies: dictionaries, style guides, caffeine and an endless playlist of concentration music. And remember, a comfortable chair is a must—after all, you'll be sitting for epic stretches of time.

Step 5: Wave goodbye to your social life (just kidding... sort of)

Brace yourself for the inevitable. As you get deeper into the world of freelance proofreading, you’ll probably start noticing mistakes everywhere—menus, street signs, text messages from friends.

Try to resist the urge to correct every error in real life, or you might find your social circle shrinking. Surprisingly, not everyone is as excited by correcting misspelled words as you are. So, remember, there's a time and place for proofreading and it's called 'work hours.'

understanding grammar

Bulk up your skills with a course or two to uncover more than the basics of grammar.

Step 6: Bulk up your skills

Taking a proofreading course is a smart first step if you're thinking about becoming a proofreader. Courses from the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy or Proofread Anywhere can teach you all the important skills you need, when learning how to spot and correct grammar and punctuation mistakes.

You'll also learn about different writing styles and the best bit is…you get to practice on real texts!  This training will make you more confident and professional, so when you come to look for work, you’ll feel ready for it.  

Plus, you'll learn about the tools and software that proofreaders use, which can help you stand out from others.

Step 7: Market yourself like a pro

Now that you've honed your skills, it's time to tell the world (or at least potential clients). Create a catchy profile that highlights your passion for punctuation and flair for fixing typos. Make sure that when you market yourself, you stand out from competitors.

Offer a fast turnaround, reduced prices or specialist areas to sell your service. Have a look at freelance sites like Upwork, Fiverr or Freelancer to find on-off projects.  This method isn’t likely to be hugely profitable to begin with, but it’s more important to gain reliable clients and a good reputation, than to start off with hefty prices that few will pay.

grammar professional

Bask in the success as a new writing saviour!

Step 8: Bathe in your success (not literally)

Once you land your first clients, take a moment to bask in your newfound glory. You're not just a proofreader; you're a protector of the written word, a defender of clear communication.

Celebrate every project, no matter how small, and remember you’re helping to tidy up the literary world, one correction at a time.

Go forth and correct

So there you have it—a simple guide for anyone thinking about becoming a freelance proofreader. May your commas never stray, your semicolons never falter and your dedication to the craft never wane. Welcome to the club!

Joy Mellows

Joy Mellows is a professional content writer who loves nothing better than researching random topics and letting the words flow. She loves to proofread and can often be found correcting text messages. She is married with a 4-year-old son, a labrador and 2 very spoilt kittens.


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